Canoeing High Adventure Poll
The PLC was wondering if the troop wanted to go on a week long canoe trip in the summer or during fall break. The summer option would be a trip to either the Buffalo River in Tennesee or the Buffalo River in Arkansasi. The Fall Break options include either the Suwanee River in Florida or the Bartran Canoe Trail in the Mobile-Tensaw Delta in Alabama. This link will take you to a poll where you can vote. Approxomate cost is $250 - $300. You must be first First Class rank and must have passed the swim test by Summer 2016.
The PLC also needs to know who is interested in a trip to Northern Tier in 2017. The cost would be around $2000. You must be 14 years old or 13 years old and have completed the 8th grade by Summer 2017.
Buffalo River in Tennesee
Buffalo River in Arkansas
Tennsaw Delta in Alabama
Suwanee River in Florida