Lock In!
Here’s some additional information for the Lock-In on 5-6 January:
First of all, SIGN UP HERE!!! or if you can't get in, send Mr. Sollohub an e-mail. (rjsollohub.troop361@gmail.com)
5 January: We'll meet at the school Saturday morning (9 AM), put our gear in the school, then get to it.
- Morning: Tasks for gear: check chuck boxes; pressure wash stoves; check parts for tents and dining flies (PLC is planning a patrol competition); clean the garage; clean and organize the Scout closet. Will need help from someone with a pressure washer.
- Lunch: Sandwiches (Firehouse, Jimmy Johns, etc.), Chips, Drinks
- Afternoon: We will work on different requirements. The PLC has requested First Aid merit badge (good for those who need it and for those who need to refresh their skills), Cyber Chip, and Screaming Eagle skills (Totin' Chip, Fireman's Chip, fitness test, etc.). If there is a merit badge counselor who would like to offer another badge, please let Mr Sollohub and the SPL know.
- Dinner: Pizza, Drinks
- Night: It's Scout Time!!! I'm working to get the gym open. We have access to TVs and DVD players. In the past, Scouts have brought game systems and monitors and played video game (MUST be age appropriate; ask Mr. Sollohub and your parents if you have any questions). I've seen card games, board games, etc. If you want to get a jump on the new year and start studying, we will find a quiet place for you.
- Sunday Morning: If you fell asleep, we'll be up early for clean-up. For those who want to go to Mass before you pass out for lack of sleep, we will plan to go to 7:30 Mass at Holy Spirit (pick up at 8:30 at the school). For everyone else, please have your parents pick you up at 7 AM.
For those working on the First Aid merit badge, please print out the work sheets (www.meritbadge.org) and bring them with you.
Scoutmasters, Parents: Let Mr. Sollohub know if you can bring a pressure washer. Also let Mr. Sollohub know if you'd be able to stay the night..
Cost will be $15.
Be prepared!