October Events and Notices
October 1 - Troop elections will be held
October 8 - No meeting due to Fall Break
October 15: ALS and Eagle Rank. We will have a special guest at the next troop meeting to talk about our big service project at the end of the month – the Walk to Defeat ALS. And for those Star rank and above, Mr. Foeller will give a class on earning Eagle Rank and the Eagle project.
October 19-20 - Cathedral Caverns
October 22 - Court of Honor: We will have our Fall Court of Honor at 6:00 PM in the auditorium. Come recognize the work done over the past six months and bring on our new crew of Scout Leaders. We’d ask you to SIGN UP and lets us know how many in your family plan to attend.
Plan to bring a meet entrée to share and then ask each member of the patrols to bring the following sides:
Bread/Rolls/Biscuits: Screaming Eagle, Combat Wombat
Vegetables/Salads: Cobra, Patriot
Deserts: Frog, That Patrol
October 27 - ALS Walk (Oct. 15th Pal for ASL walk: This is our biggest service project of the year, so plan to do a good turn. Mr. Edmondson has sent out information for the Walk.