Jubilee Celebration! 5 June 2016
As announced at the troop meetings, we have been asked to help with the Jubilee celebration for Fr. Mike MacMahon, the pastor of Holy Spirit Church, our charter organization, as he celebrates his 50th anniversary of his ordination as a priest. The big event is on the evening of 5 June, and we will need to provide support that day and earlier in the week.
This information is based on the information I have as of now, so I expect there will be changes. Be prepared (and flexible)
While any help is appreciated, I would like to ask parishioners, scouts and adults, of Holy Spirit Church to most seriously consider volunteering. I've also been asked for older scouts (soon to be 8th graders and above).
There is a variety of tasks we have been asked to perform so I would ask you to sign up for them at the linked sign-up sheet.
Preparation and Grounds Keeping: We’ve been asked to gives the grounds a cleaning prior to the event and to help put together cardboard trash bins. Plan to help Saturday morning, 4 June.
Color Guard: Father has asked for a color guard for the opening of the Mass, which will include the Pledge of Allegiance. I will be asking individuals to do that, so no need to sign-up. Expect that there will be a practice/rehearsal on Saturday, 4 June.
Serving Line Aides: We have been asked to provide some older scouts to help some of the older guests at the reception with their trays. You will need to help the guests to their seats, to carry their tray, and to perhaps get them their drinks. You may also be asked to help serve cake. I would ask scouts from Penguin, Raven, and Frog patrols to volunteer. More information will follow, but expect to be at the Family Life Center by 7 PM.
Hall Monitors: Coordinators have asked for 4-6 adults (at least two women and two men) to help monitor the area around the restrooms near the school auditorium. Kids will be at the event, so they have specifically asked for volunteers to have youth protection training.
Cake Servers/Clean-up Crew: During the event, we have been asked to help bus tables as guests come and go. Plus we’ve been asked to help clean-up after the reception. This will be a case of many hands making light work. Fortunately, we currently will not have to take down tables and chairs.
This is a special and big event for Holy Spirit Church. Please consider helping.