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Walk to Defeat ALS, September 24, 2016

Please sign up at the link below for the Walk to Defeat ALS service project on September 24, 2016. This is our biggest service project of the year, and scouts and adults are needed to help. We will also need pop-up tents, if you can provide any. Mr. Rick Issacs will visit the troop again on September 12, and Mr. Edmondson will take the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge if we can get 60 scouts signed up by September 12. If we have 75 signups by September 24, Mr. Sollohub will do the Ice Bucket Challenge. This service project will be a great opportunity to work on requirements for Citizenship in the Community and Disability Awareness.

We will plan on staying the night at the school before this service project, and Mr. Sollohub will provide movies and a snack that night.

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NOTE: If you need to edit signup sheets from a mobile device please install the Sheets app.
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