Sea Base 2019
Will you be 13 years old and First Class by the Summer of 2019? Do you think you might want to spend a week in the Florida Keys? On a boat? Sign up for a chance to go to Sea Base!!! Check it out HERE!
If there is enough interest, we will register for the lottery for slots to Sea Base next summer. Registration ends next week, but if we are going to do it, we need some commitment from scouts and adults in the troop. We can register for more than one crew if there is enough scouts interested.
Those who’ve been before have recommended the coral reef sailing adventure, but check out the website and if you have a different preference, let us know.
Unlike other High Adventures, there isn’t a whole lot of prep involved, but Sea Base can be the more expensive trip. Expect between $2000-$2500 for Sea Base costs, transportation and other activities. The plus side is we will know over a year out, so we can prepare to save.
Expect the first down payment ($100) will be needed within a month if we are selected. We will likely collect money over time as we drive to next summer.
Understand it may be difficult to lock in at this point in time. But if you are truly interested, please sign up before the meeting on Monday, February 12th.