April Outing - Walls of Jericho
It’s Spring! Time to hit the trail and enjoy the great outdoors!
From 20 to 22 April, we are backpacking at the Walls of Jericho, north of Scottsboro, near the Tennessee border.
Backpacking, especially at the Walls of Jericho, can be strenuous, so we will have options for scouts to select based on their experience and ability. When you sign up, you will be able to select from the following options:
· Philmont Shake Down: Those scouts and leaders in this group already know who they are. So unless you’re getting ready for Philmont this summer, don’t sign up here.
· Backpackers: This crew is for those scouts with previous experience backpacking, who are physically capable of carrying in their own and their crew gear on the trail. This crew will stay at the trailhead Friday night then hike to the Walls and camp nearby on Saturday night.
· Day Hikers: Highly recommended for newer scouts. This crew will stay at the trailhead Friday night, take their lunch to the bottom of the Walls, and then return up to the trailhead to stay Saturday night.
The Walls of Jericho is a very cool place to go, but even for the Day Hikers, this will be an outing that will stretch you a bit. From the trailhead to the Walls, there is a change of elevation of about 1000 feet. But by taking this hike, you’ll meet one of the requirements for the Camping merit badge (get a blue card before the outing).
A note to the Adult Leaders and older, more experienced Scouts: We will need help with the Day Hikers from our more experienced hikers. If we had at least one Adult and one Scout who have backpacked with the troop and can share their knowledge and experience with our new scouts, it would be greatly appreciated.
This is going to be a great outing, so sign up today!